Facelift in Brentwood, TN


Gilpin Facial Plastics offers its patients rejuvenating results with a range of surgical and non-surgical facial procedures. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Gilpin brings his immense experience and unsurpassed care to his patients from Brentwood.

Dr. Gilpin offers his signature procedures of faceliftrhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery. For every patient who books a consultation at Gilpin Facial Plastics, we customize the procedures so that they suit your specific needs and goals.

We ensure that you understand each procedure in detail to make an informed choice. Dr. Gilpin and his team offer you the latest innovations and techniques that give you long-lasting results with minimum downtime. Our goal is to help you achieve your cosmetic goals with every procedure you choose at Gilpin Facial Plastics.

Your face and facial features make the first impression. It’s no doubt then that everybody wishes to have the most desirable features. With aging, our skin undergoes many undesirable changes because of genetics, exposure to the sun, gravity, stress, and other environmental factors. If you look older than how you feel, it may be time to consider rejuvenating cosmetic procedures like facelift surgery.

brentwood facelift results

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A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that offers a rejuvenated and youthful appearance. The facelift procedure, or rhytidectomy, helps with improvement in aging signs on your neck and face, elimination of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, marionette lines, nasolabial folds, jowls, and the hollows under your eyes.

Dr. Gilpin is a specialist in facial plastic surgery, and he offers stunning results that will not change your features drastically but rather enhance your natural beauty. Our aim with each facelift procedure performed at Gilpin Facial Plastics is to produce natural-appearing, long-lasting results which enhance your individual facial anatomy. We offer the most advanced surgical techniques to help you get your desired results and not the ‘pulled’ appearance you may get with inexperienced plastic surgeons.

The facelift is a highly customizable procedure that is personalized to suit your specific needs and helps you restore your self-confidence.


There is no ideal age to get a facelift because everybody ages differently. When you are dissatisfied with the appearance of certain features on your face, then it is time to consider a facelift. An ideal candidate for the procedure is somebody who is in good health and does not smoke. If you are experiencing any of these changes, it may be time to consider the facelift procedure:

  • Loose and sagging skin on your neck and facial area
  • Your facial wrinkles make you look sad, angry or tired
  • If you can ‘lift’ the sides of your face which leads to an improvement in your loose skin
  • If you look older than your years and older than how you feel
  • Your neck and face have wrinkles and fine lines


The facelift is a highly customizable procedure and Dr. Gilpin offers different techniques to give you optimal results. Here are your options for a facelift at Gilpin Facial Plastics:

  • Deep plane facelift – this procedure addresses wrinkles and sagging skin in the lower part of your face, neck, and jowls. The SMAS is also lifted and tightened so that you get results that last long and appear natural.
  • Limited incision facelift – this is a less invasive procedure and best for those who are looking for subtle changes in the lower face region. The procedure uses shorter incisions and offers a shorter recovery time.
  • Neck lift – if you are bothered with a double chin and sagging skin on your neck, a neck lift may be the ideal procedure for you. Dr. Gilpin will help you eliminate those neckbands and achieve an overall youthful appearance.
  • Facelift with laser resurfacing – for a comprehensive rejuvenation, Dr. Gilpin offers a combination of laser skin resurfacing with your facelift procedure. It helps to address the finer aging signs like sunspots, redness, and wrinkles around your eyes and mouth.


Most patients can view their results within a month or two after the facelift. You may see further subtle improvements throughout the year. Since it cannot stop the aging process, your results are not permanent, but Dr. Gilpin helps take almost 10 years off your appearance. When you maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can help retain your results for longer. Our patients also opt for other cosmetic procedures like Botox and dermal fillers to help their results last longer.


Brentwood is a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee. The neighborhood was originally a major part of prehistoric Native American culture part of the people known as the Mississippian culture people. Brentwood was famous for a Brentwood derby that was run until the mid-1970s. Development through Brentwood and surrounding Nashville communities have continued to this day.

Directions to Gilpin Facial Plastics from Brentwood, TN